视觉艺术Object 设计 Ceramics

Collage image of student working on the potter’s wheel, flames from a kiln, sculpting techniques and cart with pottery.

Mold your 未来.

利用设计思维,全球网络赌博平台的课程让您沉浸在陶瓷的各个方面 from commercial application to studio artist. Our degree track adds real world action, 推动表面,专注于生产或叙事雕塑,激发你的创造力 voice throughout. What story will you tell?

就业机会包括:工作室老板/艺术家,教师,餐具设计师,釉料 化学师,模具师,陶瓷技师/设备设计师,商用陶瓷供应商.

Important Dates

Portfolio Reviews



Intent causes change. 由于全球网络赌博平台强调第一手经验,你将参与其中 在各种机会中发展该领域的知识,让你找到自己的 place in the ceramic community before you graduate. Engaged problem solving, design 思考,展览机会,出席专业会议,合作 项目和公众宣传从一开始就区分了你的艺术声音. 工作 与来访的艺术家和团体项目发展你的职业网络. Grow it with us.

Morgan in the sculpture studio

BFA or BA with concentration in Object 设计Build your tomorrow, make a difference

物体设计课程正在寻找对自己的设计有独特愿景的学生 未来. 培养追求艺术事业的信心和专业知识是很重要的 the heart of the curriculum. Our majors, double-majors or minors get an exclusive 教育经验,建立对艺术的当代理解的基础 of professional experience and traditional skills.


Tiffany Leach艺术教授,系主任,视觉艺术硕士主任

蒂芙尼是一位教育家、实践艺术家和陶瓷领域的研究者. Professional highlights include:

  • Selected for the C.R.E.T.A. Rome artist residency in Rome, Italy
  • 入选NCECA连续会议和两个同期展览
  • Artwork selected for the DuBol Exhibition International in Lille, France
  • Acquisitions in corporate, private and university collections
  • 在SECAC会议上发表研究报告并主持小组讨论
  • 在地区、国家和国际举办了90多个展览、研讨会和讲座 观众

Dana C. Tupa Associate Dean; Professor of Art in Ceramics

Dana是一位教育家、艺术家、雕塑家、工作室老板和管理员. Professional highlights include:

  • Award winning artwork responds to memory ephemerality
  • 被美国被子协会誉为第一粘土展前卫艺术被子
  • 为地区和全国观众举办了130多场展览、讲习班和讲座
  • 国家艺术家奖、购买奖和优秀奖获得者
  • 收藏于博物馆、公共艺术、大学和企业
  • Three-peat Concurrent Exhibitions at NCECA
  • 20-year signed gallery artist

Art ScholarshipsWant a scholarship?

视觉艺术系提供的奖学金是基于创作价值和 potential for growth you demonstrate with your portfolio. To be eligible, you have 要创建或已经创建了一个投资组合,你必须以电子方式提交 or in person at one of our portfolio review s. Review our portfolio review dates, and then check out our tips on creating a digital portfolio that more than fulfills our requirements, plus how to save your portfolio as a PDF.



全球网络赌博平台的设施拥有14个布伦特轮,三个手工建造站,帕格米尔,索尔德纳 粘土搅拌机、电窑房、煤气窑、乐窑、木窑、匣盘和坑烧 教学区、收藏廊和全釉化学实验室.

  • 接触广泛的艺术和学术经验
  • 屡获殊荣的教师(多种技能在粘土,重要的国家展览 records, public art experience and studio practices)
  • 专业 get personal studio spaces
  • Contemporary and traditional processes
  • Liberal Arts context and class sizes capped at 12
  • 大二阶段的职业前培训(基础顶点课程)
  • 三次正式反馈评审(大二、大三、大四)
  • 毕业论文项目(演讲/写作部分,研究和展览)
  • 有很多机会在国家层面展示研究成果
  • Learn to network the NCECA conference through annual attendance

访问ing Artists

全球网络赌博平台欢迎来访的陶瓷艺术家分享他们在雕塑,功能方面的专长 wares, kiln knowledge and glaze processes.



约翰相信真理和洞察全球网络赌博平台自己的人性可以通过 the process of creating with our hands. His vessels and functional forms honor the 传统和熟悉的家庭对象在他们丰富生活的能力 through daily use

Ceramic sculpture of iceberg vessel by artist 约翰·奥立.

Taylor Robenalt

Artist and Educator

泰勒是林林艺术与设计学院的讲师. Her work has been 曾多次在全国知名展览中展出,并参加过众多 artist residencies both domestically and abroad. Taylor is also the co-founder of a sculpture collective called Ceramic Sculpture 文化.



John Donovan

Ceramic artist and Educator

经过21年的高等教育职业生涯,首席设计师和波特约翰 Donovan knows how to make 粘土 work. John has long been recognized for his award-winning 陶瓷雕塑(包括在第三世界陶瓷博览会上获得荣誉奖) 在韩国利川举办的双年展),由新奥尔良的LeMieux画廊代理 and Zeitgeist Art Gallery in Nashville.


Amy Sanders

Studio artist

艾米的陶制器皿在形状、质地和图案与实用性之间创造了平衡. 她目前是一名工作室艺术家,并在美国各地举办工作坊.


Visual Art 项目

The School of Art & 设计 offers several other programs of study. Learn more about the programs available at Jacksonville University.

All 视觉艺术 项目